Pianoforte Association

About us

PIANOFORTE PER TUTTI was founded to organize and financially support the Pianoforte per tutti or Piano for All competition. Another aim of the association is to support artistically gifted children.

Headquarters of the association - billing address: 465 Sedlnice, postcode 742 56

CIN: 05586194


email: soutezpianoforte@seznam.cz

account number: 115-3731810297/0100



We are looking for sponsors to support the competition show. Donations can be financial or in-kind. The sponsor can be a natural or legal person. We will draw up a donation agreement with each sponsor. The sponsorship donation will be used primarily for gifts for the participants of the competition show.

We offer sponsor presentations:

– on the posters of the competition show

– in the catalogue of the competition

– on the website of the competition

Please contact the director of the competition show Mgr. BcA. Lenka Ručková.

phone.: 732340796,

email: soutezpianoforte@seznam.cz


Contact details

Organizer of the competition:

SPOLEK PIANOFORTE PER TUTTI ve spolupráci se ZUŠ Příbor.

Information about the competition:

Mgr. BcA. Lenka Ručková - director of the competition,

phone: 732 340 796

During the competition, please call 602572983

email: soutezpianoforte@seznam.cz

Venue of the competition:

Základní umělecká škola Příbor, Lidická 50.